Project Details
Worked with a small team of developers to build out the functionality of the Eclipse plug-ins.
- Improved the functionality of the Apex Language Editor -- making it similar in user-experience to that of the Java Editor, including:
- Generic classpath container extension point (IMP) – allows languages to group paths to libraries, source files, etc.
- Generic classpath resolution (IMP) – dynamically created settings pages, wizards, and build errors
- Generic variable resolution (IMP) – allows users to specify variables which represent environment settings, paths, etc.
- Generic project explorer (IMP) -- support for multiple languages per project, extensions for creation wizards, and filters
- Implementations of all of the above for X10
- Bracket matching – when placing the cursor beside an opening/closing parenthesis or bracket, the matching closing/opening character was highlighted, allowing the developer to quickly determine scope regardless of formatting.
- Built upon the SSE extension points to add validation and content assist to the Visual Force editor
- Created a specialized dialog for editing a project specific configuration file which was used to specify which files should be available in the local project and which should remain on the server.