Project Details
Developed the original code base and major developer until version 3.0 of the CitiNews iPhone/iPad app for Citi Private Bank Investors
- HTML5 content area with fluid orientation-aware layout, scaling fonts, retina images, and offline support
- Hyperlink interception to keep users within the app and ability to execute custom actions
- Displays an alert whenever the user attempts to view content not owned by Citi (e.g. a Twitter post or Facebook page)
- Can force the interface to a particular orientation if the requested page is not intended to be displayed in all orientations
- Can show transitions on clicks, play YouTube videos within our YouTube view, PDFs within our PDF viewer, etc.
- RSS channels which appear on the main page of the app controlled by a web service on the server
- CoreData local storage of RSS items for offline support
- Ability to save viewed RSS items so that they are not removed when local cache is cleared
- “Pull to Refresh” individual RSS channels
- Ability to export PDFs and share RSS items via email and Twitter
- Tiling PDF viewer with thumbnail image page scroller
- PDFs can also be supplemented with a custom XML file which specifies areas to overlay additional views to display videos, charts, web pages, etc. (while iPhone is supported, these features are currently only viewable in the 2011 Annual Report on the iPad version of the app)