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Project Details

Functioned as the CTO -- working directly with the CEO to determine all the technologies to be used by, a luxury AirBnB like startup. Responsible for all installation, setup, development, administration and ongoing maintenance of all technologies.

  • Node.js application running on Sails.js framework bundled with webpack
  • React used for both client and server on the web, ReactNative used for mobile
  • Netflix falcor used for REST services. A custom library was built to run falcor over websockets
  • Redis used to synchronize authentication across nodes, and to serve up cached profile and listing data
  • Stripe used for payments
  • AWS for cloud services
    • App ran on EC2 instances deployed with Elastic Beanstalk
    • Static assets stored in S3 and served with CloudFront
    • Dynamically sized images generated with thumbor, which were then cached and served by S3 and CloudFront
    • User data stored in MySQL database running inside RDS
    • Listing data stored in DynamoDB so that it could be easily searched by CloudSearch